20 Oct 21:17 GMT

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Tech/Engineering (80) , Art/Literary (38) , Medical (21) , Law/Patents (48) , Science (23) , Bus/Financial (76) , Marketing (5) , Other (291) , Social Sciences (8)

Specific fields
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Anthropology (1)
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Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting (2)
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Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng (13)
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Law (general) (20)
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Livestock / Animal Husbandry (1)
Children's Literature = Poetry & Literature (5)
Literature = Poetry & Lit (1)
Marketing / Market Research (1)
Ceramics = Materials (1)
Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.) (1)
Mathematics & Statistics (4)
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Medical: Pharmaceuticals (1)
Health Care = Med: HC (5)
Medical (general) (6)
Gems, Precious Stones, Metals = Mining (3)
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Other (17)
Oil & Gas = Petroleum (3)
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Physics (1)
Printing & Publishing (2)
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Maritime = Ships (5)
Sailing = Ships (1)
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. (5)
Sports / Fitness / Recreation (5)
Surveying (1)
Law: Taxation & Customs (1)
Tax = Law: Tax (1)
Communications = Telecommunications (2)
Telecom(munications) (1)
Clothing = Textiles (1)
Hotels = Tourism (5)
Logistics = Transport (5)
Trains = Transportation (1)
Transport / Transportation / Shipping (20)
Zoology (1)
Computers (general) (2)
Idioms / Maxims / Sayings (3)
Journalism (1)
Manufacturing (2)
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs (2)

A little bit of this and a little bit of that (2) , Wordnet (94) , Botany_S (1) , Varie (3) , Gastronomy (1) , Ecology (1) , Computing (1) , General (1) , Architecture (1) , vip (2) , Gastronomy - Gastronomia (1) , Automotive Glossary (Chrysler Terminology) English/Portuguese (BRAZIL) (9) , Automotive (3) , Sailing (1) , Diverse Terms (1) , Finance/Business (2) , Cement industry (1) , urdu language (1) , Oana's glossary (1) , Automotive (1) , Engineering (1) , Dentistry (1) , engineering and technology (1) , Eng > Afrikaans (1) , ESP-CAT Food Glossary (1) , Religion (1) , Automotive gloss (1) , a student's gloss. (2) , Media/Midia (1) , Aerospace (English-Spanish-German-French-Dutch) (1) , Simon's Eng-Pt (Brazil) Law Glossary (1) , Zoology M (2) , IT Glossary (Portugal) (1) , Shipping (1) , science451 (1) , Genealogy (1) , Monika's glossary (1) , IRS (1) , Health Care (1) , Bible (1) , Science/Chemistry (1) , Cornish-English General (1) , Ahmad Wadan Glossary (1) , Gastronomie DE-SV (1) , es_en_wind energy (1) , ru-en (2) , Automotive (1) , Fasteners and fastening technology (1) , NDT English Polish Dictionary (1) , finance (1) , figures of speech (1) , IT (1) , Glosar general RO>EN (1) , Basic Romanian (1) , ECONOMIE (1) , quality management (1) , Antti's glossary (1) , Automobile Terms (3) , Steam Generators (1) , Engineering (1) , Ordlista Skånsk-Svensk (1) , Zoology_S (1) , General Medical Terms (1) , General Vocabulary (1) , Telmex (1) , General Tech./Engineering glossary (1) , Soil and Environment (1)

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