20 Oct 23:51 GMT

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Romanian: Oil & Gas = Petroleum

Term/concept Contributor
detritus Oil & Gas = Petroleum Andrei Albu 
livrare la cheie Oil & Gas = Petroleum pur 
agent/material de sustinere/suport Oil & Gas = Petroleum
colectorul/manifoldul atelierului Oil & Gas = Petroleum Mihaela Sinca 
tub de sondă Oil & Gas = Petroleum lianal 
conector rapid Oil & Gas = Petroleum lianal 
contract de exploatare Oil & Gas = Petroleum
redevente suplimentare Oil & Gas = Petroleum
ulei mineral rafinat Oil & Gas = Petroleum Dan Topor 
materii prime alternative Oil & Gas = Petroleum dianasava 
vapori aminici Oil & Gas = Petroleum dianasava 
in constructie antiex Oil & Gas = Petroleum pur 
sanie Oil & Gas = Petroleum pur 

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