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    • Serbian
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            • lestvičasta logika
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            • Lestvičasta logika (ladder logic) je način crtanja el. logičkih šema. To je grafički jezik, veoma popular kod PLC. Originalno je izmišljen da zameni relejnu logiku. Ime je dobio jer program podseća na merdevine. FTN Novi Sad - by Milan Djukić
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Prednosti IEC 1131-3 jezika ukljućuju ne samo povećanje izbora jezika za dizajniranje izvan lestvičaste logike nego i sam razvoj čine lakšom i bržim. - Mikroelektronika by Milan Djukić
            • Sekvencijalni upravljački sistemi nazvani relejna-lestvičasta logika (relay ladder logic) su dugo godina, sve do pojave prvih PLC-ova, bili jedini upravljački sistemi koji su se koristili u industriji. Da bi shvatili kako PLC obavlja svoj zadatak, neophodno je dobro razumeti rad releja i relejno-lestvičaste logike. Na slici je prikazano pet tipova releja i identifikovani su svi delovi ove elektromehaničke komponente. - Elektronski fakultet Niš by Milan Djukić
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    • Hindi
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            • सोपान तर्क, सीढ़ी तर्क
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            • किसी नियंत्रण इकाई के कार्यों का सांकेतिक निरूपण. सोपान जैसी संरचना में पावर लाइनें सोपान के किनारे बनाती हैं, जबकि प्रोग्राम तत्व बीच के डंडों के रूप में होते हैं. Manufacturing automation - by JMeenakshi
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            • पारंपरिक रूप से, सोपान तर्क असतत मानों और काउंटर/टाइमर से संबंध रखता है, लेकिन आज के सोपान आरेख फ़ंक्शन ब्लॉक का उपयोग करके गणितीय संक्रियाओं का भी समर्थन करते हैं. - Control Engineering by JMeenakshi
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    • Slovenian
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            • lestvična logika, lestvični diagram
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            • Predstavljeni so programirljivi logični krmilniki in lestvični diagram kot eden najpogostejših grafičnih jezikov za programiranje logičnih krmilnikov. Obravnavano je tudi prehajanje stanj v lestvičnem diagramu, kar je osnova načrtovanja koračnih krmilij. FE Ljubljana - by Milan Bedrač
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Programiranje logičnih krmilnikov, standard IEC 61131-3, skupna programska osnova, standardizirani programski jeziki, sekvenčni funkcijski diagram, ukazni seznam, strukturiran tekst, lestvični diagram, funkcijski blokovni diagram. - FE Ljubljana by Milan Bedrač
            • Primera vaj v laboratoriju: * iz podane logične tabele izdelajo enačbe, jih pretvorijo v lestvični diagram in funkcijo realizirajo v EWB-ju; * iz podanega opisa izdelajo pravilnostno tabelo, logične enačbe in lestvični diagram ter vezje realizirajo v EWB-ju. - Ministry of Education and Sport by Milan Bedrač
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    • Greek
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            • λογική κλίμακος
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            • Να δώσετε τα σύμβολα των πιο κάτω εντολών στον προγραμματισμό Λογικής Κλίμακας (Ladder): α) Επαφή κανονικά ανοικτή β) Επαφή κανονικά κλειστή γ) Πηνίο δ) Χρονομέτρης ΤΟF 4. Να αναφέρετε τις κύριες γλώσσες προγραμματισμού που χρησιμοποιούνται στους Προγραμματιζόμενους Λογικούς Ελεγκτές (PLC). Own research - by STAMATIOS FASSOULAKIS
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            • A program in ladder logic, also called a ladder diagram, is similar to a schematic for a set of relay circuits. An argument that aided the initial adoption of ladder logic was that a wide variety of engineers and technicians would be able to understand and use it without much additional training, because of the resemblance to familiar hardware systems. (This argument has become less relevant given that most ladder logic programmers have a software background in more conventional programming languages, and in practice implementations of ladder logic have characteristics—such as sequential execution and support for control flow features—that make the analogy to hardware somewhat imprecise.) Ladder logic is widely used to program PLCs, where sequential control of a process or manufacturing operation is required. Ladder logic is useful for simple but critical control systems, or for reworking old hardwired relay circuits. As programmable logic controllers became more sophisticated it has also been used in very complex automation systems. - wikipedia by STAMATIOS FASSOULAKIS
            • Να δώσετε τα σύμβολα των πιο κάτω εντολών στον προγραμματισμό. Λογικής Κλίμακας (Ladder): α) Επαφή κανονικά ανοικτή β) Επαφή κανονικά κλειστή γ) Πηνίο ... - ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑΣ ΚΑ by STAMATIOS FASSOULAKIS
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    • Polish
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            • język drabinkowy
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            • Język drabinkowy jest językiem graficznym, którego zasady wywodzą się ze sposobu interpretacji schematów obwodów przekaźnikowo-stycznikowych. Algorytm interpretuje się jako przekazywanie „zasilania” poprzez zamknięte „styki” lub mostki do „cewek” i/lub bloków funkcyjnych (szyna „masy” nie jest w tej odmianie języka zaznaczana) w danym szczeblu drabinki algorytmu. Politechnika Częstochowska - by M.A.B.
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            • Wszystkie moduły jednostek centralnych obsługują tekst strukturalny IEC 61131-3 oraz język drabinkowy. - Omron by M.A.B.
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    • Portuguese
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            • lógica ladder
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            • Ladder logic is a philosophy of drawing electrical logic schematics. It is now a graphical language very popular for programming Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). It was originally invented to describe logic made from relays. The name is based on the observation that programs in this language resemble ladders, with two vertical rails and a series of horizontal rungs between them. Wikipedia - by Leniel Maccaferri
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            • LCs (Circuitos Lógicos Programáveis) são geralmente programados em lógica ladder. Isso porquê os PLCs originalmente substituíram sistemas de controle baseados em lógica de relés, e quarenta anos depois, ainda permanecemos utilizando esta linguagem. - by Leniel Maccaferri
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