SecurePRO™ Card of Paola Pantaleon

Procedures and policies

Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales

Identity information (Know Your Translator™)

Data that has been verified: Additional data that has been provided but not verified:
  • Phone: Mobile
  • Address
  • Citizenship: Guatemala history

Registered Oct 2014
Paying member MAY 2019
Has visited in the last 31 days.
Identity / Know Your Translator™ data

Security procedures

Standard security procedures

  • Safeguarding of content: I take care to prevent confidential project files and content from being accessed by unauthorized parties.
  • No discussion: I do not discuss confidential project content with unauthorized parties.
  • File deletion: I delete project files upon completion of work, or am willing to do so upon request.
  • No paper copies: I either do not create paper copies, or am willing to agree to shred them upon project completion.
  • Password-protected folders: I understand how to, and am willing to agree to, password-protect file folders.
  • Dedicated project folder: I am willing to agree to keep separate file folders for separate clients.
  • No cloud storage: I am willing to agree to store content only locally on my own machine(s), i.e., not in "the cloud".
  • No unauthorized sampling: I use samples from completed translations (in portfolios, or otherwise to market my services) only with client permission.
  • Confidential collaboration: I do not disclose confidential information when obtaining assistance from fellow translators on term selection, etc.
  • No ownership claims: I am willing to agree that completed translations are the property of the client or client's client, and waive any personal rights thereof.
  • Reference material confidential: I consider reference materials to be confidential; I do not share such materials, and would not use them on other client's projects, without permission.
In general, I treat every client name, documents, rates, etc. as extremely confidential.
I know that as a Sworn/Certified Translator and Interpreter I'm bound to keep client's confidentiality.
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